In March, we became proud new members of EWIF – Encouraging Women Into Franchising. Kate is happy to share her experience of franchising with anyone that has a question; potential franchisee or franchisor!
Here at The Passionate PA, we believe franchising is a really great business model to help us scale what we do and reach even more of our potential clients – business owners and entrepreneurs. Not all franchises are competitive with a Head Office team in an ivory tower though. Some, like us, believe that it can simply be a tool to help amazing women achieve their potential. EWIF shares this view and so it was only natural that we get involved.
EWIF focus their time and energy on supporting women who are looking for a route into business through the franchise industry. With regional meetings, an annual awards ceremony, annual conferences and much more taking place for members, EWIF has become a valuable community and source of information for so many people.
Part of what EWIF offers is for members, like The Passionate PA, to give their time and expertise for free to women considering franchising. Our Managing Director, Kate Chastey, is always pleased to help anyone thinking of buying a franchise, or indeed trying to franchise their own business! From personal experience she knows just how hard it can be – and expensive too if you’re not careful.
EWIF are a not-for-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers. Their remit is threefold; to encourage women to consider buying a franchise, to encourage business women to franchise their existing operations and to help franchisors attract more women to their networks.